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From Dining Room to Studio: My Journey as a Silversmith
Hi! I thought I’d take you on a little trip from my old dining room-turned-workshop to the studio I now call home. Spoiler alert: it’s been an interesting ride, complete with burnt lino and a dog who thought I was mad!
For years, I ran my jewellery business out of a repurposed dining room. Back then, I referred to myself as a jeweller. It wasn’t until I completed my jewellery diploma with a 97% distinction in September 2022 that I felt I’d earned the title of silversmith. That might sound a bit fancy, but the shift meant a lot to me - more than just a name change, it marked a new chapter where I could really pour my heart into the craft with all the passion I’d been building up.
It wasn’t exactly spacious - every time I needed to use a new tool, I had to put one away just to make room. Not the most time-efficient way to work, but hey, you make do with what you’ve got, right? Otis, my four-legged assistant, didn’t seem impressed either - he wasn’t a fan of the clanging hammers or the hiss of flames. In fact, there was a “biscuit tax” every time I fired up the torch or picked up the hammer, just to reassure him that everything was fine and he wasn’t about to get beaten or turned into a crème brûlée!
Why the Move?
After years of juggling tools and finding silver dust in odd places (and occasionally burning the lino under my workbench), I knew I needed a change. Plus, with Otis giving me the side-eye every time I fired up the torch, it felt like time for a proper studio space. In March 2024, I finally made the leap and moved into my new studio in Drybrook, Gloucestershire. It’s been a game-changer.

A Space to Share the Craft
The best part about having this new space? I can finally share my passion with others through workshops. I’ve always thought silversmithing is too wicked a craft to keep to myself. Now, with more room, I’ve started running workshops. I get a real sense of satisfaction watching people’s faces light up when they realise they’ve made something awesome with their own hands.
And relax...
Sure, there were days when I thought, “What the hell was I thinking?!” Moving to a bigger space came with its own challenges. But every time I sip my lemon and ginger tea (caffeine-free for two years now, thanks to Mother Nature and her migraine-inducing hormone crew), I remind myself why I made the jump.
It’s hard to beat the feeling of looking around at a space that’s truly mine - here I can keep all my tools out, ready for those moments of spontaneous creativity. No more packing things away just to switch projects!
I hope you’ll stick around as I share more stories, and (occasionally) make a mess of things. If you’re curious about what I’m up to or just want to ask a question, drop me a message!

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